Leadership Center
Chapter Officer Training
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Chapter leaders guide the direction of the Chapter and pave the way for success. In this training, we'll cover the key responsibilities that make a Chapter stand out. If you're an Officer or planning to become one, this training is highly recommended.
The courses included:
- Mission
- Governing Documents & National Policies
- Strategic Plan
- Budget & Due Dates
- Meeting Minutes
- Risk Management
- Event Planning
- National Office Support
- Recruitment

The Mission Statement
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Select the "View Training Course" button to begin.
Governing Documents and National Policies
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Select the "View Training Course" button to begin.
Strategic Plan
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Select the "View Training Course" button to begin.
Select the "View Training Course" button to begin.
Select the "View Training Course" button to begin.
Meeting Minutes
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Select the "View Training Course" button to begin.
Risk Management
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Select the "View Training Course" button to begin.
Event Planning
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Select the "View Training Course" button to begin.
Select the "View Training Course" button to begin.
Select the "View Training Course" button to begin.
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion- The Basics Lunch & Learn Webinar
Recorded 07/21/2020
Recorded 07/21/2020
The first session in the Diversity, Equity & Inclusion resources with Inclusion Strategy Solutions LLC experts, Wendy Amengual Wark and Paula T. Edgar, Esq.
This session will provide a foundational baseline of diversity, equity and inclusion vocabulary and concepts, illustrate the importance of empathy and provide tools and resources to facilitate the navigation of DEI issues.
Check out more of our Diversity, Equity & Inclusion resources at phisigmapi.org/threestars
Inclusion Strategy Solutions LLC is an MWBE certified consulting firm that helps leaders at corporations, academic institutions, governmental agencies, and non-profit organizations in the U.S and internationally to advance their organization’s missions through a focus on diversity, equity and inclusion.
Recorded July 2020
Chapter Officer Training Manuals
Select the "View Training Manuals" button to begin.
Select the "View Training Manuals" button to begin.
The National Office has created training manuals for every Executive Board Officer position, that is listed in the National Constitution. You can access each position's manual, by going to the Resource Center > Executive Board > Click on the Officer Position.